API Overview
Overall Description
How API works:
Call Create Order API method to create an order in the CityPay system.
CityPay checks validity of request by checking authentication parameters.
If request is valid, CityPay responds with 200 HTTP status and returns payment URL. If you receive 200 status, buyer should be redirected to payment URL.
If request is not valid, CityPay returns error HTTP statuses.
After the buyer pays for the order, CityPay will send status code to your callback URL. If buyer cancels order CityPay will send status code to your callback URL.
Please note that payment notifications are sent using POST method
Limits and Quotas
500 per hour per userid (contact support to increase) This default value is the number of orders that can be created per hour. Reaching the limit will prevent further orders to be created before the hourly timer resets.
Public API endpoints
200 per minute and 10,000 per hour per IP address Applies to API methods that do not require authentication, such as Get Exchange Rate and List Exchange Rates (note that CoinGate exchange rates are updated every 60 seconds, therefore it is not recommended to call the API more often than every 60 seconds to retrieve the latest exchange rates).
Private API endpoints
200 per minute and 1,000 per hour per API App (contact support to increase)
API Requests
API Requests are used to query the CityPay API (examples: Create Order, Get Order).
API Request attributes:
Action - Which API method was queried.
Response - HTTP status returned by CityPay.
Parameters - Parameters used to query the CityPay API.
Response - Parameters returned by CityPay.
Payment Callbacks
Payment Callback is a response which includes information about recent payment and order status. Callbacks are sent by CityPay to indicated callback URL. Call back URL can be entered from CityPay user cabinet.
Payment Callback attributes:
Response Status - HTTP status returned by merchant.
Response Data - Data body returned by merchant.
Callback Params - Parameters sent by CityPay to merchant's callback URL.
Last updated
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